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    The Recurring Empress

    I wanted to share a card that I keep pulling from both of my decks.

    I was so marveled by the recurrence of this card every time I pull from my deck that I felt compelled to do a short little blog about it. I hope that anyone who may read this post can also derive a message from it, specifically, all of my Devine Feminines out there. 

    So which card have I constantly been pulling?

    None other than the Empress card or Fertility Card. 

    Biddy. com describes the Empress card as signifying a “strong connection with our femininity. Femininity translates in many ways – elegance, sensuality, fertility, creative expression, nurturing – and is necessary for creating balance in both men and women. The Empress calls on you to connect with your feminine energy. Create beauty in your life. Connect with your senses through taste, touch, sound, smell and sight. Draw on these senses to experience pleasure and deep fulfilment. You are in a period of growth, in which all you have dreamed of is now coming to fruition. When the Empress appears in your Tarot readings, take a moment to reflect on the bounty that surrounds you and offer gratitude for all you have created so you can continue to build on this energy and create even more abundance in your life.

    As the Mother Earth archetype, the Empress urges you to venture out into nature to ground your energy and be in flow with the earth. Take a trip to your favourite natural setting, be it a forest, beach, mountain or lake, and sit for a couple of minutes, hours or even days to breathe in the energy that surrounds you while marvelling in the beauty of your surroundings. Allow yourself the time and the space to enter a different frame of mind and receive the grounding spirit of nature into your heart and consciousness. The Empress can also suggest pregnancy or birth. This may be an actual pregnancy or childbirth, or a metaphorical ‘birth’ of a new idea or project. Bring your creative ideas into being by nurturing them and supporting their growth.”

    The Empress is a remainder that it is important for humankind to remain rooted in the Earth, our femininity  and creativity. Every one of us has a spark of creation within us. As you go about your day appreciate your surroundings; the trees and plants or flowers that may surround you. It is when we as humans disconnect from the Earth that chaos ensues. Connect to your creative aspects or whatever it is that makes you happy as this will create balance and purpose within you. The Empress has been a pleasant occurrence in my day to day and I am grateful for the message she brings.  

    I understand these are trying times but we can manifest whatever it is we want. The Empress reminds that this is a time to connect to the environment around us and our own divinity through creation.

    Keep faithful. 

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    Tarot Card of the Week: The King of Pentacles

    I do not consider myself to be very religious but I am spiritual. This distinction between religious and spiritual could be a post in and of itself but for now I will just say that I really like tarot cards. Before you click away in fear, hear me out! Tarot cards are not as frightening as they may seem. The cards are actually great to provide guidance on a wide range of topics.

    Before I get into the Tarot Card of the Week, listed in the title above, I think it is important to give a little run down of Tarot for the many who may not be familiar with it.

    According to The Cut, a tarot card deck has 78 cards. The 78 cards are cut into two groups: the major and minor arcana. The major arcana are the deck’s 22 trump cards and, when pulled during a reading, typically refer to more major influences and revelations. These cards don’t have suits and instead stand alone, representing significant life events and/or figures in a person’s life.

    The Cut continues to state that the minor arcana, by contrast, refer to more everyday matters and influences. These 56 cards are divided into four suits: wands, swords, pentacles, and cups.  Each suit represents a different facet of life. Typically, wands symbolize creativity and passion, swords symbolize intellect, pentacles symbolize work and money, and cups symbolize emotion. There are other groupings here, too; each suit is also aligned with a grouping of astrological signs, such that wands = fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) , swords = air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) pentacles = Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and cups = water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). All 78 cards have distinct meanings, tied to their suit.

    By way of illustration, if you ask a particular question and you pull many pentacle cards, it is likely the matter involves money/career or it is likely that the person or persons in question are any one of the three Earth signs.

    By way of another illustration, let’s say you question whether a job interview went well enough that you will land the job and you pull from the deck, the Ace of Pentacles. According to Biddy.com, The Ace of Pentacles represents new beginnings, opportunities, and potential – and as a Pentacles card, these new beginnings correlate to the material world: finances, wealth, career, physical health and manifestation of your goals. You may be offered that new job or a new business or investment opportunity may come your way. In any case, The Ace of Pentacles card illustrates the possibility of a new endeavour.

    Tarot cards are complex and can be taxing to learn, however if done well it can be fun and provide useful guidance on your journey through life. I will speak more in depth about Tarot cards in subsequent posts. I would like to, for now, pull one card per week and hope someone out there will find the definition useful to their life.

    Disclaimer: I am not a professional reader (still learning myself!) and any tarot card I pull is for entertainment purposes only.

    Tarot Card of the Week: the King of Pentacles

    This is a minor arcana card. According to Biddy. com:

    “The King of Pentacles represents material wealth, financial abundance, and success. This King is a faithful provider; he uses his ambition and confidence to create wealth for himself and others and generates his self-worth from what he has accumulated and can share with others. He is also a fatherly figure who provides others with advice, guidance and wisdom, especially in financial and work-related matters.

    When the King of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, you are confident and successful at attracting and managing wealth. Not only do you identify opportunities for growth and success, but you also draw upon your self-discipline and control to manage your wealth and invest it wisely for the long-term.

    The arrival of the King of Pentacles indicates that you can translate your vision into something tangible, practical, and often very lucrative. You are the ultimate business owner. You do not merely come up with ideas and hope for the best – you work hard to map out your plan of attack, gather your resources and manifest your goals, often with tremendous success. The King of Pentacles knows that a methodical, planned and well-thought-out approach will lead you to success. You have experimented in the past with what works best and have landed on your own methods and practices you know will continue to work for you in the future. Continue down this path rather than trying new ways of doing things.”

    More definitions of this minor arcana card can be found at  The Tarot Guide.

    I hope you found this card helpful or that this post, resonated with you in some facet of your life.

    Are you a fan of Tarot or is the thought of it creepy to you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below!